Monday, February 16, 2009

Zing Zang Zoom

We went to the CIRCUS yesterday (took the kids for a Valentine's treat). It was the first time Tessa had been to the official "greatest show on earth"! She's been to a "Cirque" type show, but not Ringling Bros. B&B, so it was so fun to see her wide-eyed with mouth hanging open quite a few times. I didn't take many photos, but here's a glimpse of our afternoon:

Saturday, Papa came to see Seth play basketball. He's playing Upward ball and Kent's his coach. Their record was 5-0, with one game in which Seth scored the winning goal with 4 seconds to go - Yay! But alas, Saturday was not so exciting. They lost by over 20. Let's just chalk it up to a "learning experience" for the Badgers and hope for a better game next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great weekend!